Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Gaming Resolutions for 2014

Okay, so I guess it's almost required to have at least one resolution for the new year.  Since this is a role play gaming blog I'll toss out a few related ones I'm aiming for over the next 12 months:

- Do more maps.  I love maps, both real-world and for gaming, and so I'd like to do more of them here.  For now I'll set myself the reasonable goal of one per month.

- Learn to draw like the Order of the Stick cartoon and do occasional short cartoons of fun scenes from the games I'm involved in.  Doing full session write-ups this way would be totally cool but probably way too much work.  I started sketches for my friend Kirk's two characters last night and they're just about done.

- Post more Pathfinder characters with suggested level progressions.  Pathfinder is a very "complete" rules system and there are tons of options.  So I'll do some characters with progression through level 10 to give players (and GMs) ideas to work with.  There won't be "optimized builds", which seem to be the focus of most class guides, but my own approach of "flavorful design".  A base of one a month should be doable.

- Get back to designing my work-in-progress campaign world.  I'd like to do one decent-sized post a month, plus one or two smaller posts.

- Optional: play session write-ups for the Pathfinder and Call of Cthulhu games run by my buddy Steve.  These only meet a couple times a year thus there won't be a large volume.  But from my experience with our bi-weekly Castles & Crusades game, taking notes during the game makes it hard to stay engaged during play.  (I may cheat and swipe Steve's notes; he's very good about logging events during play even as he GMs.) 


  1. Good luck with all that!

    The only way I have found to get good session reports is to record them digitally while we play. Then I take the time and effort to go back through and make a record in text. Does that suck? Well, yes. But the satisfaction of having that high-quality record is worth it to me personally, so I put in the time. It shows up here: Most people don't like reviewing the play reports, but they can be crucial for those who improvise at the table, have trouble remembering all the stuff they made up, and need it to persist into the future. =)

  2. I've considered recording the sessions, but I worry that people may be more inhibited if everything is being recorded. It would really help with the more conversational role-play bits, which I can't note down while I'm in them.

  3. It helps my group that I am the only one that will hear the recording. I don't post it online or anything. They act like it isn't there. Plus, I have my own share of awful comments and blackmail material on there, and I suspect that helps...
